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My first experience in the movie industry was working on a Nintendo TV commercial shoot. Along with another girl, I was in charge of decorating the products as if they were meant for 10-year-old kids. This product line featured cardboard objects that could be easily decorated, such as a piano, a robot backpack, fishing gear, animals, and a dollhouse.

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We used common and simple decoration elements like pencils, pens, highlighters, colored paper, paper cut-outs, aluminum foil, and more. We were very selective in choosing these materials and wanted to showcase that everyday objects can be used for creative purposes. Our initial plans and ideas were immediately approved by the producers.

Throughout the shoot, we had to be very precise with the decorations, as they were an integral part of the commercial. We had to make sure that every element was perfectly placed, and the colors were vibrant and eye-catching. The products were featured prominently, and we had to ensure that they stood out among the decorations.

Nintendo switch labo props Nintendo switch labo props piano

Working on this commercial shoot gave me valuable experience in the movie industry, particularly in the area of product decoration. It taught me the importance of creativity and attention to detail, and how even simple materials can be used in innovative ways. It was an exciting and fulfilling experience to see our work on the big screen, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of it.