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GRIFF webshop

Designing a Minimalistic Webshop Application for Griff Webshop

Griff Webshop, a fashion reseller website in Hungary, approached us to design a new webshop application. Their target audience is mostly upper-middle class woman in their 20-30-40's who were looking for fashionable clothing and accessories. Our main focus was to create a minimalistic and easy-to-use application that would stand out from their competitors.

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The main challenge was to keep the application minimalistic, as the client wanted to include a lot of information. We had to balance their requests and make sure that the application was user-friendly and not cluttered. Another challenge was to improve the beta version that was designed many years ago.


We started with a minimalistic approach and used simple elements, JSON animations to make the application easy to navigate. We carefully selected the design elements, including fonts, colors, and images, to create a sleek and modern look. We also included new features such as "show products on picture" and "shop the look" to make the application more user-friendly.

My part of the job was to work on the design (UX and UI), we focused on creating a seamless user experience. We made sure that the application was easy to navigate and that the checkout process was the easiest we had ever seen.

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Our efforts paid off, as Griff Webshop became the top fashion app in Hungary on both App Store and Google search. Our design received a lot of positive feedback from users, and we believe that our minimalistic approach will stand the test of time.


Designing a minimalistic webshop application for Griff Webshop was a great challenge, but we managed to create a sleek and user-friendly design that exceeded the client's expectations. We learned that simplicity and user-friendliness are key to a successful webshop application, and we are proud to have contributed to Griff Webshop's success. was developed by Peakbit Technologies Kft.

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