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Bortársaság Christmas

Christmas Wine Packaging Design for Bortársaság Wine Shop in Budapest

One of the most famous wine shops in Hungary is Bortársaság. They held a competition for a Christmas packaging design that would capture the essence of the holiday season while staying true to their brand. I won the competition with an infinite illustration design inspired by the complete silence on Holy night.

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Bortarsasag christmas wine packaging design

The design process began with a detailed brief from the client, which included the requirements for the packaging design. I created sketches by hand and using Photoshop. I also collaborated with a painter friend to create the moon and the vineyard hills. The final design is a mixed media project that combines hand-drawn sketches and digital painting.

Bortarsasag christmas wine packaging design closer Bortarsasag christmas wine packaging design

The design is an infinite illustration that connects in a round, featuring a dark gradient in the background, a starry sky, a full moon, snowy landscape with hills and houses, trees, and animals. We created a different illustration for each of the three packaging sizes and a small gift bag. Each illustration is unique, yet coherent.

Our design captures the essence of Christmas, the peace and silence that falls on Holy night. The dark background represents the quiet stillness of the night, while the starry sky and the full moon give the design a festive and celebratory feel. The snowy landscape, hills, and houses evoke a sense of coziness and warmth. The trees and animals add a touch of whimsy and playfulness.Our Christmas Wine Packaging Design for Bortársaság Wine Shop in Budapest is a creative and engaging design that captures the spirit of the holiday season while staying true to the client's brand. The design has been well-received by the client and their customers, and has helped increase sales during the holiday season.

Bortarsasag christmas wine packaging design stanc

Our Christmas Wine Packaging Design for Bortársaság Wine Shop in Budapest is a creative and engaging design that captures the spirit of the holiday season while staying true to the client's brand. The design has been well-received by the client and their customers, and has helped increase sales during the holiday season.