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Before Dawn

"Before Dawn" is an original board game that takes players on a thrilling adventure to save as many people as possible before the earth meets its untimely end. Inspired by the 50th anniversary of the Soviet space station "Salyut-1", the game offers a unique concept that is both engaging and thought-provoking

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In "Before Dawn", players have 24 hours, represented by fields on the board, to rescue as many people as possible before it's too late. The game is designed for five players and each round takes about 30 minutes, making it a perfect option for game nights or a quick pick-me-up during the day.

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As the clock ticks, the board turns one hour forward, adding to the tension and excitement of the game. To gather the necessary resources to complete their mission, players must stop at checkpoints and collect oil for their spaceship to land.

What sets "Before Dawn" apart from other board games is its combination of strategy and luck. Players must think on their feet, weighing their options carefully and making quick decisions to maximize their chances of success. The game also includes surprise elements, such as a random number generator that adds to the unpredictability and excitement of each round.

Board game design before dawn Board game design

The game's design is equally impressive. The board features a beautiful, otherworldly design, with intricate details that add to the immersive nature of the game. The attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the game, from the custom-made game pieces to the cards and board.

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In conclusion, "Before Dawn" would be a must-play board game that offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all ages. With its engaging concept, easy-to-learn rules, and beautiful design it'd sure to be a hit!