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ANAK font

ANAK is a unique stencil font designed by passion for street art and graffiti. Inspired by the creativity and freedom of these art forms, I set out to create a stencil font that could be used by anyone, regardless of their artistic abilities. The result is ANAK, a bold and striking font that is perfect for adding an urban edge to any project.

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One of the main challenges of designing a stencil font is making sure that the letters can be cut out and used without any pieces falling out. This was especially true for ANAK, as it features some tricky letters like O, D, A, R, and more. To solve this problem, I came up with a unique one-stroke method that gives the font its distinctive appearance. The result is a font that is not only functional but also visually appealing and fun to use.

Custom typeface anak sketches

The name ANAK was chosen to reflect the font's snake-like appearance, as well as its sleek and streamlined design. Like a snake, the font is sleek and powerful, with a sense of danger and intrigue that makes it perfect for use in street art, posters, logos, and more.

Overall, ANAK is a fantastic example of how creativity and ingenuity can be combined to create something truly unique and innovative. Whether you're a professional graphic designer or just looking for a fun new font to play with, ANAK is definitely worth checking out.

Custom typeface anak