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Haruki Murakami book


Norwegian Wood book design is a creative and unique interpretation of Haruki Murakami's critically acclaimed novel "Norwegian Wood." Inspired by the atmosphere of local bookstores in Berlin, I aimed for a visually stunning book that captures the essence of the story while incorporating elements of ukiyo-e art and Chinese typography.

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Haruki murakami norwegian wood book design

The book is divided into sections that correspond to key moments in the story, particularly (SPOILER ALERT!) the death of the main character's lover. At this pivotal moment, a leporello illustration leads the reader into a symbolic "hole" in the ground, representing one of the main metaphors of the story. The use of deep blue papers for this section creates a stark contrast and adds a sense of darkness to the design, enhancing the emotional impact of the narrative.

Haruki murakami norwegian wood book design detail Haruki murakami norwegian wood book design illustration

Illustrations and Cover Design:

The illustrations throughout the book are inspired by ukiyo-e art, a traditional Japanese art form that complements the themes and mood of the story. The cover design features a Chinese-style typeface, adding a touch of Asian influence to the overall design. This fusion of different artistic elements creates a visually captivating and culturally rich reading experience.

Connection to the Story:

The Norwegian Wood book design is a thoughtful and intentional interpretation of Haruki Murakami's novel. The symbolic "hole" in the ground, which recurs throughout the story, is creatively represented in the design, adding depth and meaning to the overall reading experience. The illustrations and cover design also serve to evoke the mood and atmosphere of the story, drawing readers into the world of the book and enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the narrative.

Haruki murakami norwegian wood book design illustration animation 2 Haruki murakami norwegian wood book design detail 2

The Norwegian Wood book design has received positive feedback from my teachers, since this was a project in my school years, on book design class.

Haruki murakami norwegian wood book design illustration animation