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About Me

Hello, I'm Lola, and my journey through life has been nothing short of fascinating. Born and raised in the vicinity of Bratislava, I embarked on a remarkable adventure in 2010 when I made Budapest my home.

My passion for design led me to earn a BA diploma from the prestigious Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, where I honed my creative skills and discovered my calling. For the past seven years, I've had the privilege of working as a freelance graphic designer, turning my passion into a fulfilling career.

While my professional life revolves around pixels and vectors, my personal life is colored by the companionship of two enormous rescue dogs who have a knack for filling every corner of my heart. My life journey has also taken me to the charming landscapes of Sicily, where I experienced the beauty of a different culture.

An exciting chapter in my life is starting to unfold, since me and my husband have recently decided to purchase a farm. A bold step toward our dream of going "totally" off-grid. We're on an inspiring journey towards self-sustainability, living in harmony with nature.

Graphic design isn't just a profession; it's my creative sanctuary. I consider myself incredibly fortunate because my work is my passion. The concept of Artemis Studio emerged during a transformative trip to Paris. At a moment of existential reflection, the image of the goddess Artemis captivated me. It was then that I realized I completely identified with her character.

In the realm of graphic design, I've discovered that I can't confine myself to a single niche. Typography, poster art, illustration – they all hold an irresistible allure. Rather than choosing one, I embraced the freedom to explore them all. At Artemis Studio, we thrive on versatility, offering expertise in branding, UX/UI design, and comprehensive graphics for the world of cinema.

Join me on this creative journey where artistry and design come together to craft unique stories, one pixel at a time. I look forward to collaborating with you to bring your vision to life.